Facilitating healing through the shamanic arts.

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We are both physical and nonphysical. Both have equal value and are inextricably interwoven in a beautiful tapestry of power and energy.

The physical and nonphysical are connected. Gifts flow from the nonphysical to the physical. Expression of those gifts brings meaning and fulfillment to the Spirit (Soul) seeking return to wholeness. Lack of those gifts leads to cravings, addiction, violence, anger, depression, anxiety. These are valiant attempts to find truth and meaning but cannot work. The source of meaning is found in the integration of the physical and nonphysical. The source of meaning is found in the integration of the physical and nonphysical, weaving together the human and spirit worlds once again.

The Spirit knows wholeness and yearns to return to wholeness. This is the Journey of physical experience... learning again and again how to return to wholeness through experiences provided by the physical world.

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Welcome to the Bridge of Light. Join me as we journey toward wholeness.